You can speak

Sung Ngai Kurt Sin

Sung Ngai Kurt Sin

Winner of the Second Place in the Undergraduate Category of the 18th English Short Story Writing Competition

Curious, even promising, but gratuitously grotesque and therefore a mismanagement of effort and attention. He tilts his head from side to side, inspecting the faceless young girl from different perspectives. Is the water on her cheeks tears, or sweat, or clear ink, or rain? Or, it could be that the raindrops pounding on the windows are in fact her tears. In any event, the maroon carpet is left soaked, water seeping through walls and ceilings and floors, flooded corridors, waterfalls down flights of stairs, the entire mansion in disarray -- how unsatisfactory! Immediate action must be taken to remedy this predicament -- after all, there is no excuse for subpar means.
'Good evening, madam,' He gives her a small nod and a smile, acknowledging without committing, for to commit without astute analysis would be folly, 'it would appear that you are facing a pressing problem.'
I apologize, for I had not been expecting a visitor -- I find myself ashamed for my unpreparedness and the unsatisfactory condition of my abode, facing away as an expression of my regret despite my lack of a face. Nevertheless, you are correct: I am in fact facing a problem which I am unable to resolve without assistance.
'There is no need to apologize,' A polite chuckle, to establish cordiality and manage tension while maintaining professionalism, 'your distress is completely understandable. There is, however, no cause for despair: I propose that I offer you a product and my services to aid you in your distress: by constructing a face.' Opening his briefcase, he retrieves a single pencil, an item used for the construction and editing of reality.
I find myself at a loss for words, for your offer is most agreeable -- I am readily prepared to accept your offer, only that I still find myself unable to face you on account of my indiscretion.
'While your assessment is accurate, your response to it is unnecessary,' And obstructing the facilitation of his work -- he moves in front of her face again, holding her in place with his hands on her shoulder, 'please remain still in order for me to adhere to the specifications of your hypothetical face.'
For her face to not remain hypothetical, however, he must first devise a plan to construct her face, which necessitates a definition of what a face is. Referencing his own face, he imagines his face to consist of a pair of eyes with which to see, a nose with which to breathe, and a mouth with which to speak, all vital functions for his work. As such, he divides his plan into three stages, each concerning one part.
Not wasting any time, he moves closer to where her face is to be located -- her face would, after all, contain a pair of eyes, facilitating vision and conducive to the cognition of the problem to be solved.
Tracing exactly two rivulets on her cheeks to determine the optimal location for her eyes, he begins to draw, water dampening his pencil as two curves on each side consummated by a circle on each side completes her eyes -- efficiently, without any unnecessary exertion.
However, her eyes widen as soon as he lifts the tip of his pencil, with water, presumably tears, gushing out and saturating the floor of the room. It is evident that additional modifications should be made to account for this unexpected development.
With a few strokes of his pencil, he adds additional lines to sew her eyes close. After all, simplicity is indispensable to an elegant solution; an efficient and effective solution, too: the rivulets on her cheeks dry soon afterwards.
'I am delighted to inform you that you are now in possession of eyes,' He nods, partly to acknowledge her and mostly to acknowledge the satisfactory completion of the first step of his plan and his swift decision-making to resolve the shedding of water or tears.
I struggle to express both the sheer amplitude of my gratitude towards you and my elated expectation as you continue with your work.
'My pleasure, madam.'
The next stage concerns the addition of a nose, an essential equipment for breathing and respiration, which in turn are crucial to her problem-solving readiness.
Triangulating a suitable location from the position of her eyes, he moves his pencil close to her face again. As the only necessary components of a nose are airways, by reduction, a triangle would be as functional, if not more so, as any unnecessarily complex design.
Almost immediately after he completes her triangle, she begins to breathe, albeit with a noticeable defect: irregular breaths differing in energy and frequency, no doubt out of sync with her heart. This discrepancy, unconducive to a harmonious rhythm in her work, must be promptly corrected.
Therefore, he adds additional strokes, sewing shut her nose and therefore silencing her discordant breathing.
'May I congratulate you on your acquisition of a nose,' He brushes her hair away from her face, that he could more clearly appreciate the impeccable execution of his plan up to this stage.
Once again, what can I say but well done, sir? Please continue with your work, so that I may have a face of my own.
Finally, the definition of a face dictates that she must have a mouth as well in order to be qualified as having a face. Although she has proven to be expressive despite her lack of a mouth, the ability to vocalize her thoughts could only be beneficial.
So he draws again: two curves, parabolic, in the shape of a polite, professional smile, to reflect her satisfaction and joy in her facial expression when her face is complete.
'Mister, why are you so mean to me? Who are you? What are you doing? Please, I can't see or breathe!'
Although she is indeed speaking, the contents of her speech fail to accord with her previous expressions. Not only does her speech, if indeed it could be considered hers, lack the professional finesse with which she manoeuvred through their interactions, the distress in the speech contradicts her happiness from his work.
He could therefore safely conclude that the addition of a mouth, if without adjustments, could hinder the correct vocalization of her thoughts.
In accordance with procedures established in previous steps, he adds additional strokes to sew her mouth shut.
Thank you for your incisive action to adjust my mouth; so gripped by ecstasy was I that I lost myself in hysteria. I apologize for my outburst and ask for your forgiveness.
'Please, think nothing of it,' He smiles, the same smile he has drawn on her face, 'please instead direct your attention to the fact that, with the addition of a mouth, your face is complete. You are faceless no more, madam.'
What a drastic improvement! I feel as though I have moved into a new chapter in my life, through the storm into sunlit uplands! How can I ever thank you enough, sir?
'No thanks is necessary, madam. My only hope is that, with your new face, you will now work to improve the state of your mansion,' He gestures towards the mansion, still dilapidated despite the cessation of her tears. He reaches into his briefcase once again, offering her a towel and a tube of glue, 'with these, you shall be able to dry and repair the mansion without complication.'
Very well. Thank you once more for your unwavering support for the satisfactory maintenance of this mansion.
He waves her goodbye with a smile, walking under the overcast dawn sky, preparing himself for another day of good work.

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